Monday, September 12, 2011



Part 6:


The editor of PROGRESSIVE magazine, Matthew Rothschild, also attempted to smear and marginalize 9/11 conspiracy journalists and researchers a few months ago. Coincidentally, the Madison, Wisconsin-based PROGRESSIVE enterprise has also been receiving a lot of money from the foundations of a politically unprogressive U.S. Establishment since the 1990s.

In 1992, for instance, a $50,000 grant was given to PROGRESSIVE by the MacArthur Foundation (on whose board ABC News radio commentator Paul Harvey and Enron Global Power & Pipelines director Thomas Theobald have sat for many years) "to solicit and disseminate opinion pieces relevant to U.S. foreign policy and international security." That same year, "several MacArthur staff members" were "called to consult with staff members of Bill Clinton's presidential campaign," according to THE CHRONICLE OF PHILANTHROPY. And, during the late 1990s, one of the top Clinton Administration economic policymakers, Laura Tyson, became a member of the MacArthur Foundation board of directors.

An additional $150,000 grant was also given to PROGRESSIVE by the MacArthur Foundation in 1994. And in 2002, the MacArthur Foundation gave $120,000 more in grant money to the PROGRESSIVE enterprise, whose magazine anti-conspiracy theorist Matthew Rothschild edits.

Like FAIR/COUNTERSPIN and PACIFICA/DEMOCRACY NOW, the PROGRESSIVE enterprise has also been receiving a lot of money from the Ford Foundation since the 1990s. In 1998, for instance, PROGRESSIVE was given a $200,000 grant by the Ford Foundation (on whose board of trustees sat Clinton crony Vernon Jordan). And in 2000, two more grants, totalling $250,000, were given to PROGRESSIVE by the Ford Foundation.

Besides receiving grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation, PROGRESSIVE has also obtained funds from The Rockefeller Foundation in recent years. In 1998, for instance, a $50,000 grant was given to PROGRESSIVE by The Rockefeller Foundation.

In 2000, PROGRESSIVE Inc. took in an annual income of $1.7 million, including $69,727 from its sale of advertising space. And its editor, Matthew Rothschild, has apparently been paid an annual salary of $44,468 in recent years--for putting out a Democratic Party-oriented magazine that rarely mentions the Ford Foundation's historic relation to the CIA and rarely publishes articles written by 9/11 conspiracy journalists or researchers.

to part 7...

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